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About Us

We created Power Paws out of the love and passion that we have for our furry friends and making them happy. We began in 2016 with nothing more than a couple of leashes and some good running shoes. Our passion and commitment to the needs of others has taken us through this wonderful adventure of servicing the Jacksonville region.


Both of us have owned pets our entire lives - Dogs, cats, reptiles, birds - you name it! We were both raised in households that were very pet friendly, and always had more than two dogs in our yards (until now, Border Collies are a handful!). And like any other dog owner, we have come to learn the realities of taking care of our great companions. Whether it is due to traveling, work, or even an extended vacation, we know that despite how much we may want to, we cannot take our pups everywhere with us. The unfortunate part is that our pups would love to be with us too, and are either stuck bored inside a kennel, or stuck in their backyard in the Florida heat with no other source of entertainment.


We know the importance of keeping a pup happy, well exercised and entertained. And that is what we at Power Paws have set out to assist our community with.


We greatly look forward to the opportunities ahead of us, and meeting you and your beloved pup(s!)

The Team

Nolan and Kelly are Jacksonville natives that have over a decade of experience in handling pets of all kinds, specializing in dogs. They are adamant animal lovers and are looking forward to helping the community they were raised in.

Nolan & Kelly


Our Team
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